Creating a More Effective Hiring Process [Infographic]

By Paul Slezak - Jun. 23, 2017
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When your company hires someone, you’re not just filling a position; you’re changing the makeup of your entire organization.

Hiring someone to replace a departing employee brings subtle changes in the way that job gets done, which could have a ripple effect throughout the entire department and the company as a whole. Bringing different people in as you expand your company creates new dynamics and changes the way your entire operation functions. In short, there’s a lot on the line when you acquire new talent.

Yet even with so much riding on the talent acquisition process, far too many companies go about it half-heartedly. They waste time and resources sifting through a mountain of applications, many of which are from unqualified candidates. They ask interview questions better suited for a Barbara Walters special than a serious assessment. Worst of all, these inefficient and ineffective talent acquisition processes lead companies to hire the wrong people for their needs.

It’s been estimated that 80 percent of all employee turnover is due to flawed hiring processes, according to the Harvard Business Review.

Ron Emery, CEO and Founder of icrunchdata has put together this awesome Infographic and using the steps outlined below will undoubtedly help your process.

Creating a More Effective Hiring Process from icrunchdata
Cofounder and CEO at RecruitLoop. I've been a hands on recruiter, manager, trainer, coach, mentor, and regular speaker for the recruitment industry for nearly 25 years.


Paul Slezak

Cofounder and CEO at RecruitLoop. I've been a hands on recruiter, manager, trainer, coach, mentor, and regular speaker for the recruitment industry for nearly 25 years.

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