How To Find A Part-Time Nightly Job

By Chris Kolmar - Nov. 18, 2020
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Are you currently working a full-time job and looking to supplement your income with a new, part-time job in the evenings? If so, you’re probably wondering how and where to get started.

You probably also have a lot of specific questions bouncing around your mind, such as:

  • Will it be worth it for me to take on a part-time job in the evenings?

  • What sort of part-time job should I look for?

  • Will it even be feasible to add a new part-time job to my schedule (given that I’m already working a full-time job)?

  • Where do I go to search for evening part-time jobs?

Working a part-time evening job on top of a full-time day job can be tricky, but it’s by no means impossible. In fact, according to U.S. Census data, more than 13 million Americans were working more than one job in 2019.

This article will highlight everything you need to know about the benefits of adding a part-time evening job to your schedule and how to get started on your search for a part-time job that will be a great fit for you.

Best Part-Time Night Jobs

Here are a few examples and descriptions of popular part-time evening jobs. As you review the list below, be sure to ask yourself: Do I realistically see myself being able to competently fill this role at night after I’ve already worked a long shift at my full-time day job?

  1. Driving jobs. The rise of rideshare apps like Uber and Lyft has made driving jobs immensely popular among people looking to earn a little extra cash in the evenings. Plus, these jobs don’t always require you to be very talkative (unless you want to be). So if you enjoy long drives, meeting new people, and exploring new parts of your city, an evening driving job could very well be an excellent fit for you. Here are a few specific examples of part-time driving jobs:

  2. Healthcare jobs. Now more than ever, healthcare clinics across the United States need compassionate and capable individuals who are ready to help care for the sick, wounded, and elderly.

    As a bonus, hospitals typically pay employees who work night shifts a bit extra (mainly because it’s not a popular time to work). Regardless of the specific role you choose to pursue, working a part-time healthcare job is rewarding, engaging, and always a huge resume booster. Specific examples of part-time healthcare jobs include:

  3. Security jobs. Especially in major cities, there are typically a wide variety of evening security jobs out there that can provide you with good pay and valuable conflict management skills. And more often than not, evening security jobs also allow you to work independently for long periods, which can provide a great opportunity to catch up on studying, work emails, or other important tasks. Here are a few examples of security jobs to look into:

  4. Customer service jobs. There are tons of corporate and private companies across the country that need sociable and diplomatic individuals to fill a variety of customer service roles. A part-time job in the customer service sector might be a good choice for you if you’re someone who enjoys creative problem solving and talking to diverse groups of people. Common part-time customer service jobs include:

Benefits of Working a Part-Time Job in the Evenings

There are numerous advantages to adding a part-time job to your (already busy) schedule.

First and foremost, there’s the fact that it will allow you to earn more money than you’re currently making by just working a full-time job during the day. While rates of pay will obviously vary depending on your location, employer, and position, it’s safe to say that most part-time gigs will make it much easier for you to cover your various monthly expenses, such as rent, utilities, food, transportation, etc.

Here are four major benefits of starting a part-time evening job on top of a full-time day job:

  • You’ll earn extra income each week. According to the most recently available data, the average pay rate for part-time jobs in the United States is currently just under $13.00 per hour

    Using this as a benchmark – and keeping in mind that most part-time jobs require employees to commit to somewhere between one to thirty hours a week – that means that you could be making as much as an extra $390 per week.

  • You’ll develop valuable new skills. In addition to extra money, another significant benefit of working a part-time job on top of your full-time day job is that it will enable you to build, broaden, and diversify your skillset.

    Many full-time jobs, even ones that are very technically demanding (like an artificial intelligence developer, for example), can eventually become a bit monotonous. If you’re starting to feel like your full-time job is not providing you with enough challenges or opportunities for growth, you might very well be able to find such opportunities in a part-time evening job.

  • You’ll strengthen your financial safety net. If you only have one source of income (i.e., one employer), that means that your financial security is dangerously vulnerable. In other words, losing your job would mean that you’d be left high and dry without a regular paycheck.

    By taking on an additional job – even if it’s part-time – you’ll diversify your streams of income and thereby provide yourself with a much more reliable financial safety net.

  • You’ll meet new people and establish valuable new professional contacts. Finally, in addition to the financial and skill-enhancing benefits, starting a part-time evening job can also enable you to grow your professional network

    Even if the part-time job that you end up landing isn’t necessarily in the field that you dream of pursuing, there’s always a chance that your new employer or colleagues will end up being valuable connections.

    At the end of the day, it never hurts to expand your professional network – even if you don’t yet know where those new nodes in your network will ultimately lead you to.

Now that we have a basic understanding of why someone who’s already working full-time might pursue an additional part-time job, let’s turn our attention to how they might approach that goal.

How To Choose a Part-Time Job That Will Be a Good Fit for You

It’s important to bear in mind throughout this process that you’re looking for a part-time job that will supplement, not replace, your existing full-time job. In light of that, it will be essential to focus your search on part-time opportunities that will not interfere with your day job.

Your personality will play a role here, too. Some part-time evening jobs will require you to be social and energetic, some will require little to no social interaction, and others will fall somewhere between those two extremes.

Finally, the ideal part-time job should provide you with the three major benefits that we highlighted above: namely, adequate pay and opportunities for expanding your skillset and professional network. Of course, not everyone seeking an additional part-time job will be seeking each of those three benefits in equal measure. For example, you might be looking for a part-time evening job exclusively to make more money each week. And that’s perfectly okay. Just be sure to factor that into your job search.

Where to Look for a Part-Time Evening Job

Who can you ask – and what resources can you consult – to help you find the perfect part-time evening job?

There are three basic starting points that we recommend:

  • Search online. If you’re looking for a part-time evening job in your area, be sure to take advantage of the internet. More often than not, employers will post part-time job openings to their website and popular job search websites. To get your search started on the right foot, be sure to use keywords like “part-time” and “evening jobs.” Also, don’t forget to include the name of the role that you’re looking for and the area that you’re looking for work in.

  • Ask the people who are in your network. Never underestimate the power of searching for work through your current work colleagues. In all likelihood, many of them will already be working a part-time evening job of their own and will happily connect you with similar opportunities.

  • Speak to your current boss. Depending on the current needs within your organization, your boss may be looking for some additional part-time help. By simply speaking with your boss, you may be able to find great part-time opportunities in the evenings with your current company. This could allow you to broaden your existing role and gain access to valuable future opportunities with your existing employer.

Final Thoughts

Taking on a part-time evening job is a great way to make money, diversify your revenue stream, acquire valuable skills, and broaden your professional network. Of course, working a part-time job on top of a full-time job will require some serious dedication and hard work, but it’s an arrangement that can pay enormous dividends in the long run.

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Chris Kolmar

Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

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