The 18 Best Jobs For Teachers Who Don’t Want To Teach

By Sky Ariella - Feb. 13, 2022
Articles In Guide

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While most teachers go into the field intending to make it a lifetime career, this isn’t how it plays out for everyone. Now more than ever, teachers are fleeing their positions and beloved students for greener pastures.

Luckily, the skills and knowledge of a typical teacher are transferable skills to many other types of jobs.
Here are the best jobs for teachers who don’t want to teach:

  1. Test Developer Jobs (Overview)

  2. Policy Analyst Jobs (Overview)

  3. Career Counselor Jobs (Overview)

  4. Human Resources Manager Jobs (Overview)

  5. Guidance Counselor Jobs (Overview)

  6. Substance Abuse Counselor Jobs (Overview)

  7. Human Resources Manager Jobs (Overview)

  8. Meeting/Event Planner Jobs (Overview)

  9. School Guidance Counselor Jobs (Overview)

  10. School Administrator Jobs (Overview)

  11. Childcare Worker Jobs (Overview)

  12. Social Worker Jobs (Overview)

  13. Educational Consultant Jobs (Overview)

  14. Life Coach Jobs (Overview)

  15. Curriculum Designer Jobs (Overview)

  16. Corporate Trainer Jobs (Overview)

Detailed List of the 18 Best Jobs for Teachers Who Don’t Want to Teach

Working as a teacher for a stretch of time gives you the experience and know-how to get hired for a litany of other positions. Some of these roles are still in the educational world, but many of them can remove you from this type of environment altogether. It all depends on your preferences.

To give you a better idea of what’s out there, here you’ll find the top eight of the best jobs for teachers who don’t want to teach.

  1. Standardized Test Developer

    Average Annual Salary: $82,000

    The dreaded tests that evaluate each student’s comprehension of crucial subjects must be created with care by an experienced standardized test developer.

    Today, most schools across the United States are required to give out annual examinations to students from Kindergarten to their senior year of high school. That entails a lot of available work for standardized test developers.

    The job of a standardized test developer includes things like:

    • Partaking in meetings to determine the knowledge and skills that should be tested in students of particular ages

    • Research materials that can be used in the development of a new standardized test

    • Writing, discussing, and editing each test’s questions

    • Determining how a test will be scored and what a passing grade will be

    • Adhering to security protocols around the test

    • Ensuring that the test is completed by a specific deadline

    • Creating reports about the testing results from students

    Becoming a standardized test developer is a terrific option for teachers who want to step away from teaching directly. Former teachers are already familiar with the process and structure of standardized testing, plus they know what information is essential to cover during these types of exams.

    Standardized test developers need to have superb communication skills to convey information to various students effectively. This is a skill that teachers are intimately familiar with as well.

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  2. Educational Policy Analyst

    Average Annual Salary: $63,000

    The educational system really is a world in itself, complete with its own set of rules and regulations. The way students are educated is an issue that’s constantly being reconsidered. That’s where an educational policy analyst comes in.

    An educational policy analyst works within the academic realm, but they don’t work directly with the students. Instead, they assess issues within the American public school system and determine the best policy on these particular circumstances.

    The responsibilities of an educational policy analyst include:

    • Conducting research about various topics in the United States education system

    • Assessing how educational policies will impact students, parents and teachers alike

    • Gathering data to inform policy decisions, like test schools and economic restraints

    • Developing and testing educational theories proposed

    • Reporting their findings and publishing research

    • Monitoring the effectiveness of policy changes

    It can be endlessly frustrating to work daily in schools and see recurring issues in the system but not be able to do anything about it. Becoming an educational policy analyst is such a great career change for teachers because it gives them the power to enact real change in the schooling system.

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  3. Career Counselor

    Average Annual Salary: $41,000

    The role of a career counselor is another profession that helps people on their way to educating themselves and becoming adults but doesn’t bear the hassle of teaching in the classroom every day.

    Picking the perfect career is no easy feat, whether you’re a teenager, college student, or even an adult well into their 40’s hoping to make a career change.

    A career counselor supports people and provides insightful advice while figuring out precisely what they want to do with their professional life.

    A career counselor’s daily tasks involve:

    • Using tools like personality and interests quizzes to evaluate an individual’s skills and preferences

    • Examining their history to get a sense of their personal achievements and strong suites

    • Discussing with them to find the ideal career fit

    • Provide guidance on courses or programs that individuals should take for particular careers

    • Assisting students in selecting schools or educational programs that fit their needs and wants

    • Helping students with their financial aid process to pay for schooling

    • Giving insight on interviewing skills, how to write a resume, and networking tactics

    • Connecting individuals with job search resources in their chosen field

    It’s rewarding to pass on the gift of knowing what job you want to do. Many people rely on the guidance of a thoughtful career counselor to point them in the right professional direction.

    It’s a good option for people who used to teach because it still provides the opportunity to help people at a pivotal moment of their life without the stress of being a public school teacher.

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  4. Human Resources Manager

    Average Annual Salary: $80,000

    If you’ve been successfully managing a classroom of ten or more students for the past few years, you’ve likely unwittingly acquired a bunch of other skills that can help you manage different types of situations, such as human resources.

    This is why a career as a human resources manager is a smooth switch for teachers who are used to rowdy students.

    The role of a human resources manager involves:

    • Creating and implementing HR strategies that match their company’s business strategy

    • Acting as the mediator between a company’s management and employees, including addressing demands and issues

    • Overseeing the company’s recruitment process

    • Monitoring HR strategies and systems for effectiveness over time

    • Fostering a positive work environment

    The interpersonal skills and problem-solving that human resource managers need for their job are very similar to the requirements of a teaching job with classroom management.

    If you still want to work with people but are entirely done with spending every day around people under the age of 18, becoming a human resources manager might be a smart move.

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  5. Guidance Counselor

    Average Annual Salary: $47,000

    Many other roles within the school system involve helping students through education without teaching their 11th-grade mathematics class. One of the critical roles that impact student development is the guidance counselor.

    Guidance counselors work at educational institutions to support students in their academics, personal lives, and making future career decisions.

    Some of the daily tasks that guidance counselors deal with include:

    • Carrying out counseling sessions with students to advise about educational and career development

    • Speaking with students to understand their strengths and weaknesses

    • Suggesting objectives and helping them reach them

    • Using a variety of counseling strategies to mentor each individual helpfully

    • Recognizing any behavioral issues in students and fixing the situation

    • Creating an accepting environment for students from all societal and cultural backgrounds

    • Monitoring student development overtime and celebrating their accomplishments

    • Discussing with parents and teachers about students progress when needed

    The transition from being a teacher to a guidance counselor can be made pretty easily. You may even find a position within your current district if you don’t want to go too far. Many teachers find themselves attracted to the guidance counselor role because they can still be involved in students’ lives but in a different way with a little less pressure.

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  6. Academic Administrator

    Average Annual Salary: N/A

    Being an academic administrator is perfect for teachers itching to get outside the classroom. These professionals usually work at colleges or universities to develop educational and student programs. This typically involves working on things like fundraising, long-term planning, and coordinating student services.

    The daily duties of an academic administrator include:

    • Deciding on the curriculum

    • Coordinating with other academic professionals

    • Recruiting faculty, issuing scholarships, and overseeing student affairs (if required by their university)

    • Supervising college faculty and monitoring different department’s research

    • Ensuring that university policies are followed

    This is another role that can give former teachers the opportunity to create a positive change in the educational system. Many teachers are keen to take on this endeavor after working under undesirable conditions for so long.

  7. Substance Abuse Counselor

    Average Annual Salary: $42,000

    The innate patience and caring nature of a teacher make them ideal candidates for a career as a substance abuse counselor. Everyone’s lives get a little off-track in one way or another, and for people experiencing substance abuse, it’s crucial to have a bullet-proof support system to get them back on the right path.

    The role of a substance abuse counselor involves:

    • Managing each patient’s case from the time they enter their care until they’re discharged

    • Assessing both the patient’s physical and psychological behaviors

    • Building a trusting relationship with each patient over time

    • Creating a fitting treatment and recovery plan personalized to the patient

    • Conducting individual therapy sessions and group meetings

    • Collaborating with other professionals involved in the patient’s life such as doctors, nurses, psychologists, lawyers, and correction departments

    • Noticing when certain behaviors are impeding treatment and finding solutions

    • Speaking with patient’s families to educate and inform them

    Giving a person the support that they need to get clean finally is an incredible gift. Many teachers find success in this industry because the job demands many of the skills they would have built up in the classroom.

    If you’re a teacher whose been craving a profession that allows you to make an extraordinarily positive impact on people’s lives when they really need it most, look into a career as a substance abuse counselor.

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  8. Prison Educator

    Average Annual Salary: N/A

    Perhaps you’re a public school teacher whose deeply passionate about educating, but you’re tired of the education system and want to teach in a new type of environment. If you’re truly talented in the art of teaching, then becoming a prison educator can be an excellent career switch option that provides a tremendous service to the community.

    While most prisoners are serving their stay as a result of heinous acts, the goal of being locked away from society is supposed to be rehabilitation. One of the keys to bettering a person is educating them.

    While the role of a prison educator varies between facilities, the job typically involves:

    • Using pre-made curriculums or designing their own lesson plans to deliver

    • Giving out assignments and ensuring that students complete them

    • Assisting students when they’re struggling with a particular subject

    • Managing the classroom to keep everyone focused on learning

    • Coordinating with other prison staff when needed

    Being a prison educator is very similar to traditional teaching in many ways. However, it’s also a very different set of circumstances and can be quite intimidating. However, if you can handle it, there are thousands of prisoners who can be helped by the compassion and support of a great teacher.

  9. Human Resources Manager

    Average Annual Salary: $80,000

    Companies need HR representatives and managers to enforce policies and laws, recruit and hire employees, and design and conduct training and professional development courses.

    These tasks require interpersonal, communication, conflict management, and teaching skills, which teachers usually have honed during their time in the classroom.

    Because of this, a career in HR might be a great option for you if you are a trained teacher but don’t want to teach anymore. You might need further education in business or HR, but a significant number of your skills will cross over to this new position, making the transition smoother.

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  10. Meeting/Event Planner

    Average Annual Salary: $44,000

    Teachers generally have a significant amount of creativity, energy, and organizational skills, making them excellent event planners.

    Event planners work as staff for event centers, corporate events or conference planners for companies, or independent wedding coordinators for various clients. Some will even plan and run birthday parties, bridal and baby showers, or family reunions for their customers.

    As a teacher-turned-event-planner, you’ll get to implement many of your skills in this new setting to help others.

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  11. School Guidance Counselor

    Average Annual Salary: $45,000

    If you don’t want to teach but still want to work with students, a career as a school guidance counselor might be a fulfilling option.

    You’ll typically work in a school but have an office instead of a classroom, and instead of lesson plans and grading, you’ll help students create their class schedules, apply for colleges or jobs, and succeed in their current activities and social settings.

    You might even help them get connected with resources if their home lives aren’t safe, if they need food or other basic necessities, or if they need professional therapy or counseling of some kind.

    Your responsibilities as a guidance counselor will vary based on where you work, giving you a wide variety of job options.

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  12. School Administrator

    Average Annual Salary: $57,000

    If you’re tired of teaching but want to be in the school setting and support other teachers, a role as a school administrator may be a great fit.

    From principals to vice-principals to after-school program directors, schools need a wide variety of people with teaching experience to help them run smoothly. You can even use your perspective as a former teacher to help you make decisions that will support your staff and the teachers you work with.

    Administration jobs exist in schools and school districts, widening your employment options. You will typically need a master’s or a doctorate to become a school administrator, and many positions also require a principal certification.

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  13. Childcare Worker

    Average Annual Salary: $24,000

    Childcare workers are needed at daycares, after-school care programs, churches, and recreation and community centers. If you enjoy spending time with kids but don’t enjoy teaching, this role could be a natural fit for you.

    There are so many different organizations that need childcare workers that you can often pick what age group you want to work with, what hours you want to work, and what responsibilities you want to have.

    Some centers will focus more on entertaining and engaging the kids, while others will focus more on education or specific extracurricular activities, giving you several options in that area.

    Once you have some experience, you could even start your own child care center, as many parents are attracted to programs run by professional teachers.

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  14. Social Worker

    Average Annual Salary: $51,000

    Social workers can work in various settings, including schools, medical facilities, and specialized social work centers. They have a variety of responsibilities that involve helping people solve problems and overcome challenges of all kinds.

    This is similar in many ways to what a teacher does, so if you want to work in a field where you can help, educate, and support people but don’t want to teach, social work may be an attractive and fulfilling option for you.

    Some positions require a bachelor’s degree in social work, but others will accept similar degrees as well and simply require you to complete additional on-the-job training.

    If you want to become a clinical social worker and diagnose and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral health challenges, you’ll need a master’s degree in clinical social work.

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  15. Educational Consultant

    Average Annual Salary: $78,000

    Educational consultants travel from school to school or district to district, helping administrators and teachers improve their processes and techniques. Because they need to have a high level of expertise, they usually are required to have master’s degrees or doctorates.

    This is an excellent career for a teacher who wants to support and further schools and students but doesn’t necessarily want to be in the classroom. You’ll get to put your teaching experience to use and help improve the educational system, but you won’t have to be in charge of a classroom or deal directly with students or parents (usually).

    Educational consultants can work for school districts or private consulting companies. Their jobs change and evolve as the districts and schools they work with evolve, making this an interesting and exciting career.

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  16. Life Coach

    Average Annual Salary: $38,000

    If you love helping people thrive and achieve their goals, you might enjoy being a life coach. In this role, you’ll create relationships with your clients and guide and motivate them in reaching their goals.

    To do this, you’ll provide support and encouragement, but you’ll also provide practical tools and constructive criticism. Balancing positivity with honesty can be difficult to learn, but many teachers have plenty of practice, making them excellent candidates for this role.

    You can work as a life coach part-time or full-time, and you can start your own business or work with an agency. Many clients and agencies want their life coaches to have a professional certification, so consider obtaining this before going down this road.

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  17. Curriculum Designer

    Average Annual Salary: $57,000

    Schools and teachers need a curriculum to teach from, and who better to design it than a teacher? You can put your teaching expertise to work outside of the classroom in this role and use it to help other teachers and students avoid your mistakes and build on your successes.

    Curriculum designers usually need at least a master’s degree in education, and they usually work with school districts to create curricula that fit their students and their needs best. They can also work with universities, companies, or other organizations to create classroom and training programs.

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  18. Corporate Trainer

    Average Annual Salary: $54,000

    If you still enjoy the act of teaching but don’t want to be a full-time teacher, you might enjoy being a corporate trainer.

    In this role, you can work with an individual company to create professional development courses, you can work independently and book sessions at a variety of companies, or you can work for an organization that hires teams of trainers to work with their clients.

    Whether you have a specific area of expertise you want to share or simply want to help employees, managers, and executives better themselves, a career as a corporate trainer can be highly fulfilling for teachers who don’t want to teach anymore.

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What to Look for In a Job If You’re a Teacher Who Doesn’t Want to Teach

  1. Aligns With Your Other Passions and Interests

    It’s difficult to stick at any job for long if you don’t feel fulfilled in it. To avoid burning yourself out quickly in a new role, look for a job that incorporates things that you’re passionate about or simply enjoy.

    For example, knowing whether or not you want to work behind a desk full-time can help narrow down your options, and so can knowing if you’re more passionate about getting a paycheck or about getting to do work that you enjoy every part of.

    Take some time and think through what you’re passionate about and enjoy doing, remembering that it doesn’t need to be lofty or complicated. Even an answer as simple as, “I don’t want to work around a lot of people,” can help guide you in the right direction.

  2. Offers Future Opportunities

    When you’re shifting careers, it can be tempting to take the first appealing position that comes your way. If you aren’t careful, though, you can quickly find yourself in a dead-end job trying to figure out what to do next all over again.

    To avoid this, ask yourself where you’d like to see yourself in five years or even ten years. Even if you don’t have a specific vision, simply thinking through the generalities of your goals is beneficial. Do you want to be working in a role where you get to lead others? Do you want to be doing a job you believe in?

    Keep your goals in mind as you search for positions and pay attention to whether or not a particular role will help you get where you want to go. It’s impossible to fully plan out a career, but some jobs lead to dead ends that should be avoided.

    Finding a job that offers future opportunities may also look like getting a job that will pay for any additional education you need to reach your goals. This job may technically be a dead-end, but it’s setting you up for your future by allowing you to go to school.

  3. Avoids the Parts of Teaching You Didn’t Enjoy

    Even if you don’t want to teach anymore because you just detested all of it, chances are, there are specific aspects that you especially didn’t like. It’s important to be aware of what those were so that you can avoid jobs that involve much of the same aspects in the future.

    If you got tired of dealing with difficult students, for example, working in a setting with children or even testy adults will probably be just as draining. The same goes for things like company culture or schedule. Name the parts of teaching that you don’t ever want to do again, and then do your homework to ensure you can avoid them in your next job.

4 Common Reasons Teachers Decide to Stop Teaching

While every teacher’s experience is unique, there are a few common reasons why people in this profession decide to quit their job. Below are four of the top reasons teachers make the call to leave the classroom for good.

  1. Very poor work/life balance. One of the most significant perceived upsides of working as a teacher is getting a lot of time off. However, this often isn’t actually the case.

    While teachers do get summers and scheduled school breaks off, a great deal of work goes into being a phenomenal educator. This extra work makes having a positive work/life balance more difficult.

    Between grading endless stacks of papers in the evening to designing full-blown curriculums, many teachers find themselves putting extra hours in outside of school. After a while, this gets exhausting and leads a vast percentage of teachers to just call it quits for good.

  2. The added pressure of COVID. COVID has been an unforeseen struggle for every professional industry over the past two years. Still, it’s been especially hard on teachers who have never had to face a circumstance like this before.

    The reality of teachers having a poor work/life balance has never been more accurate since they have been forced to teach entire classrooms remotely.

    Classroom management, lesson planning, and testing have all completely changed in the face of COVID. Even when school is taught in person, teachers are needed to adjust to an even more stressful environment when caring for students’ health.

    The incredible pressure of COVID and other common unpleasant aspects of teaching have made many teachers decide to exit the field entirely.

  3. Low pay. Teachers are notoriously paid a pitifully small salary for their services of adequately educating future generations. Public school teachers are paid an average salary of $43,798, or around $3,649 per month.

    This doesn’t sound too bad until you realize that teachers are also usually responsible for buying a lot of the materials for their classroom, such as decorations to create a fun learning environment or even basic supplies for lessons like paper and pencils.

    The already low salary that teachers bring in for their incredibly important contribution to society is whittled away even further by being driven to purchase materials for their students. It makes sense why so many teachers would become fed up with this situation.

  4. A toxic school system. A toxic environment can wear down even a teacher who truly appreciates her students and loves teaching. Things like working under an uncaring administration, unclear communication, or low job security make the job of being a teacher hard to bear every day.

    This is another typical reason teachers say they simply can’t take it anymore and decide to stop teaching.

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Sky Ariella

Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

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