The Importance of Salary in Attracting and Retaining Key Talent [Infographic]

By Paul Slezak - Sep. 30, 2015
Improve Your Company Branding With Zippia

Editor’s Note: This post is by Paul Slezak, Cofounder and CEO of RecruitLoop – the World’s largest marketplace of expert Recruiters and Sourcers available on-demand.

Organisations of all sizes from seed startups to Fortune 500 ‘mega enterprises’ often find themselves asking the same philosophical question, “What is the secret to attracting and retaining key talent?“.

We’ve written about it before from the perspective of building your employer brand; we’ve provided tips on how to attract rockstar employees; we’ve shared ideas on how to ensure you hold on to your superstars; and we even have an eBook dedicated to attracting, selecting and retaining the best staff.

Our friends at Adecco recently published a comprehensive Infographic on compensation and salary trends. Although it focuses primarily on creative, marketing, light industrial and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math related) positions, it reinforces the absolutely pivotal role that salary plays in recruitment and retention in any business.

You may think this is pretty obvious, but you might find some of the statistics below pretty eye opening!

Compensation and Salary Trends

Cofounder and CEO at RecruitLoop. I've been a hands on recruiter, manager, trainer, coach, mentor, and regular speaker for the recruitment industry for nearly 25 years.


Paul Slezak

Cofounder and CEO at RecruitLoop. I've been a hands on recruiter, manager, trainer, coach, mentor, and regular speaker for the recruitment industry for nearly 25 years.

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