How To Write A Congratulations Email (With Examples)

By Jack Flynn - Jun. 7, 2022
Articles In Life At Work Guide

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Taking the time to send a congratulations email, regardless of who or what it’s for, is a terrific way to build relationships and create a network with your co-workers.

People will also just appreciate the kind gesture. It always feels good to know that someone recognizes your accomplishments, and this positivity will improve your team’s culture in the workplace.

Therefore, even if you’ve never written a congratulations email before, we are here to tell you how to write one and give you some tips to write the best congratulations email.

How to write a congratulations email with examples.

What is a Congratulatory Email and Why it’s Important?

A congratulatory message is a way of letting someone know that you are excited for, or proud of, the job, or objective, they accomplished. And, although the nature of a congratulations email may seem self-evident by the title, it’s still crucial to know why you should write one, and how it should be formatted.

As with any important business letter, a congratulations email will benefit you professionally. Often, one of your co-workers or your boss might receive a promotion, and going out of your way to congratulate them will build positive relationships.

If you’re writing to a boss, you’re setting yourself up to be recognized and gain respect. Likewise, if you’re writing to a coworker, you can reinforce team spirit and encourage them to continue their good work.

How to Write a Congratulations Email

  1. Subject line. When congratulating someone on a promotion, you should first give your email an appropriate subject line. The last thing you want is for your audience not to read your email because they didn’t realize what it was about.

    Something like: “Congratulations on Your Promotion” or “Congratulations!” will do.

  2. Greeting. It’s important to ensure that the first thing you write is a proper congratulations message. It’s also wise to state the specific position the person was promoted to, so you can better acknowledge their achievement. Here are a few examples:

    • Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion to Assistant Manager!

    • Congratulations on your new position as Director here at Best Company.

    • I was so happy to hear you were promoted to Field Director. Congratulations!

  3. Body of email. You can say something about how you think said person will be good for the job, or write about how you look forward to working with them in the future. However, keep things short and brief. This second can be a few sentences or a paragraph.

  4. Closing and signature. you should select a brief, appropriate to end your letter.

    Some good options include: “Sincerely,” or “Best regards” followed by your name.

Congratulations Email Tips

Now that you have a general idea on how to structure your email, here are more tips to aid your writing.

  • Keep your message simple and positive. Your letter shouldn’t be long or complicated. Rather, a brief couple of statements highlighting what you’re congratulating the person for and why is all you need.

  • Don’t be robotic. The last thing you want is for your message to come across as an automated email with no personalization or emotion. Doing so would make your email far less effective.

  • Use professional language without going over the top. There’s no need to go overboard with fancy words, but you should avoid expressions or words that are considered slang. Using words like kinda, yeah, totally, literally etc. will not win you any points.

  • Don’t ask for any favors. The message should not be about you in any way. Focus on the person you’re congratulating and avoid asking for anything that would be considered inappropriate.

  • Don’t make comparisons. Just as you shouldn’t talk about yourself, you also shouldn’t mention your own or other people’s promotions in your email. Again, only focus on the person you’re writing to.

Congratulations Email Examples and Templates

Given these tips, here are some samples of congratulations emails that can help you write your own:

  1. Formal Email

    Subject Line: Congratulations on Your Promotion

    James Grant
    Human Resources
    Tom’s Groceries
    47 Park Ave.
    Fieldtown, VT, 01301

    October 23rd, 2020

    Alfred Jones
    Tom’s Groceries
    553 Central Ave.
    Fieldtown, VT, 01301

    Dear Mr. Jones,

    Congratulations on your promotion to Front End Manager. I’ve seen the excellent work you’ve done at Tom’s Groceries over the past three years I’ve been employed, including the methods you’ve used to reduce staff absences and tardiness. I can wholeheartedly say that you’re bringing positive change to this company.

    I know you’ve worked incredibly hard for this position, and with that being said, I also know that you deserve the new recognition and responsibility. I look forward to working with you more closely in the future.

    Best wishes for continued success in your career.

    Best regards,

    James Grant

  2. Formal Email Template

    Subject Line: [Congratulatory saying]

    [Your Name]
    [Job tile]
    [Company Name]
    [Company address]


    [Colleague name]
    [Job title]
    [Company name]
    [Company address]

    Dear [colleague name],

    Congratulations on your new position as [reason for congratulations] here at [company name]. I was happy to hear that you were offered, and had accepted the position, as I know you’re one of the most efficient and hardworking people I’ve ever met. I know that with you leading us and reporting to the board that we will excel on our upcoming projects.

    I know you’ve worked incredibly hard for this position, and you deserve the new recognition and responsibility. I look forward to working on projects with you in the future.

    Best wishes for continued success in your career.

    [Your name]

  3. li class=”ordered-list-large-item”>

    Informal Email

    Subject Line: Congratulations!

    October 23rd, 2020

    Dear Sarah,

    Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion to Head Gardener! I’m so happy to see that your hard work and achievements have been recognized.

    I’m thrilled to hear about your new role, and I’m glad we’ll be working closely together in the greenhouse.


  4. Informal Email Template

    Subject Line: [Congratulatory saying]


    Dear [Colleague name],

    I was so happy to hear you were promoted to [promotion title]. Congratulations! I know you’re an exemplary [skill], and you deserve the recognition and responsibility that comes with helping lead the team.

    Best wishes for continued success in your career, and I look forward to [activity regarding promotion] with you in the future.

    [Your name]

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Jack Flynn

Jack Flynn is a writer for Zippia. In his professional career he’s written over 100 research papers, articles and blog posts. Some of his most popular published works include his writing about economic terms and research into job classifications. Jack received his BS from Hampshire College.

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