101 Questions To Ask Yourself In Life

By Caitlin Mazur - Jun. 18, 2021
Articles In Life At Work Guide

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Asking yourself questions every day is a great way to achieve personal growth. The kinds of questions you ask yourself during different experiences, situations, and events can significantly impact the way you live your life.

The questions you ask can determine what your mind chooses to focus on, which results in certain thoughts, actions, and inactions. This can positively or negatively impact the path you’re on.

Asking yourself both simple and thought-provoking questions can allow you to understand yourself better and be more aware of the actions you’re taking and the thoughts you’re surrounding yourself with. This can impact mood, who you surround yourself with, and even life expectancy.

When you focus on self-limiting or negative thoughts and questions, you will remain in a negative state. But when you intentionally shift to empowering, thoughtful, and reflective questions, your consciousness will shift.

Intentionally moving towards a positive mindset will help jumpstart your life and motivation to achieve your goals. In addition, asking yourself questions that lead to self-discovery will allow you to become more self-aware and better understand what you want from life.

Having this kind of clarity will catapult you towards your goals and dreams. In addition, it will allow you to reflect on your past to learn from any mistakes or struggles you may have had.

Self-awareness is a key trait that many employers look for when hiring individuals into their companies. Having self-awareness means that you are more likely to take ownership and responsibilities for projects while being unafraid to ask questions. When you are self-aware, you are more likely to ask the right questions and notice your strengths and flaws.

Many self-aware people can put their egos aside and ask for help when they need it or delegate to teams more effectively. Self-awareness is a skill that you should continuously work towards, and asking yourself some of these questions is a great start.

But what questions are appropriate to ask yourself daily? Questions that focus on a deeper understanding and intentionally force you to get a little uncomfortable will bring out the most important discoveries on your path to personal excellence. So as you read over the suggested questions below, remember that you don’t need to answer them immediately.

Your answers are also always subject to change, depending on your growth process. What matters is that you start thinking about your answers and how they can impact your life directly.

Take some time to read over a few questions. Then, consider writing down your answers so that you can review them at a later date. You may be surprised at the growth you see in yourself.

Below are some suggested questions to ask yourself on a regular basis.

  1. Who are you?

  2. What are you good at?

  3. What am I okay at?

  4. Where do you see yourself in a year?

  5. What are you grateful for?

  6. Do you like yourself?

  7. What value do you bring to the world?

  8. What is your favorite thing about yourself?

  9. What are you passionate about?

  10. What personal achievements are you most proud of?

  11. What are you most grateful for?

  12. What things are most important to you in life?

  13. What are your morals? What do you hope to represent for others? Is there something specific you want to embody?

  14. How much do you worry about what others think?

  15. What specific things are you doing to invest in your most important relationships?

  16. What do you do for fun?

  17. What have your biggest mistakes been? Do you regret them? What did you learn from them?

  18. What excites you?

  19. What do you need to forgive yourself for?

  20. What gave you the most joy this week?

  21. What is your stress level like? How do you manage stress?

  22. Are you happy with your life? Why or why not? If not, what do you think you need to do to be happy?

  23. How do you handle anger and frustration?

  24. What is your definition of success?

  25. What kind of worker would you describe yourself as?

  26. What kind of friend do you think you are?

  27. What is your biggest fear, and why?

  28. Are you proud of yourself? Why or why not? If not, what can you do to change that?

  29. Do you love yourself?

  30. Are you living the life you always dreamed you would be?

  31. If you had one week left to live, what would you do?

  32. If you had one year to live, what would you do?

  33. What are the biggest lessons you have learned in life so far?

  34. What advice would you give to your younger self?

  35. What does your ideal day look like?

  36. Are there obstacles standing in the way of you and your dreams? If so, what do you need to do to overcome them?

  37. Are you happy with your job or career? If not, what would you do to change that?

  38. Where do you see yourself in five years?

  39. What big changes are you hoping to make in your life?

  40. How do you want others to remember you?

  41. What is the thing holding you back from your dreams, if any?

  42. If you won the lottery today, how would you spend your time and your money?

  43. What challenges have you overcome from your past?

  44. What is your favorite memory, and why?

  45. What skill do you possess that you are most proud of?

  46. What are your goals for the next year? The next five years?

  47. What is something you would love to learn?

  48. Are you holding onto any grudges? Why? What steps can you take to let them go?

  49. What are you busy with today? Will this matter in a year’s tie?

  50. What opportunities are in your grasp today?

  51. How can you create more opportunities for yourself?

  52. What did you want to be when you grew up?

  53. If you knew you couldn’t fail and there were no financial or resource limitations, what would you do with your life?

  54. Who are your mentors? Do you have an ongoing relationship with them?

  55. What is the top priority in your life right now? Second? Third?

  56. If you died tomorrow, would you have any regrets? If so, what are they?

  57. Looking back on your life, what are some mistakes you wish you hadn’t made?

  58. What is your biggest frustration right now? How can you fix it?

  59. What is the biggest thing you can do today that will change your life for the better?

  60. What are you doing for self-care?

  61. Do you consider yourself a productive person?

  62. How do you maintain your productivity?

  63. Do you benefit from the self-care activity you do for yourself?

  64. When was the last time you took a break from work?

  65. If your best friend described you, what do you think they would say?

  66. Are you craving a deeper relationship with anyone in your life right now? What steps can you take to make that happen?

  67. If you had to give a message to the world, what would it be?

  68. Do you think you are effective at handling conflict?

  69. Who is your hero, and why?

  70. Who are your closest friends?

  71. Do your friends have the same goals and dreams as you do?

  72. Are the people you surround yourself with supportive of your goals and dreams?

  73. What do you look for in a friend?

  74. What is your ideal career?

  75. Do you love your current job? Why or why not?

  76. What kind of diet do you keep?

  77. Do you want to be healthier? If so, what are some steps you can take to become healthier?

  78. Do you feel like you’re settling for less in your life?

  79. Do you have any limiting beliefs?

  80. Are you living in the present right now? Why or why not?

  81. What are your good habits?

  82. What are your bad habits?

  83. In your opinion, what is the meaning of life?

  84. What do you think your life purpose is?

  85. How can you make your life more meaningful?

  86. What’s your “why”? What drives you?

  87. What inspires you the most?

  88. What motivates you?

  89. Do you feel you have made an impact on anyone’s life? If so, who and how?

  90. Do you let other people get to know you on a deep level? Why or why not?

  91. Who is the most important person or people in your life?

  92. What do you want to start doing differently tomorrow?

  93. Who do you enjoy spending time with the most? Why?

  94. Do you think others enjoy being in your company? Why or why not?

  95. How do you deal with someone who offends you?

  96. What do you do when you’re feeling frustrated?

  97. What do you do when you’re feeling depressed?

  98. Do you consider yourself healthy? Why or why not? If not, what can you do to be healthier?

  99. Do you care about your appearance? Why or why not?

  100. What is your morning routine like?

  101. Do you enjoy being in your own company? Why or why not?

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Caitlin Mazur

Caitlin Mazur is a freelance writer at Zippia. Caitlin is passionate about helping Zippia’s readers land the jobs of their dreams by offering content that discusses job-seeking advice based on experience and extensive research. Caitlin holds a degree in English from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, PA.

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