Is Technology A Good Career Path?

By Abby McCain - Mar. 15, 2022

Find a Job You Really Want In

In theory, the ideal career path will combine your natural skills and preferences with a paycheck that will provide for you and any dependents’ needs.

As a result, if you’re working on choosing a career path, in addition to whether or not you’ll enjoy and be good at the work, you’ll likely want to know if the one you’re considering will provide you with job security, opportunities to grow and advance, and a decent income.

In this article, you’ll learn more about the potential upsides and downsides of a career in the technology industry to help you make a more informed decision.

Examples of Positions in the Technology Industry

The tech industry involves a lot of different players, so if you’re at all interested in this career path, you’ll have a lot of disciplines to choose from. Here are just a few of them:

Reasons Why You Should Consider a Career in Technology

The tech industry encompasses a number of disciplines, so there’s a good chance that at least one may interest you. If you’re already considering a career in this field, here are some reasons to convince you further to pursue a career along this path:

  1. Education and training don’t have to cost much. Depending on what specific discipline you decide to enter, you don’t necessarily have to have a four-year degree to be qualified for a job in the tech industry.

    IT professionals, for example, can often get training in just a year or two with a certificate program at their local community or technical college.

    Higher education and advanced degrees can open more doors in some fields, and the jobs you’d typically land with those will pay well enough to make an expensive education worth it. Many companies are also willing to help you out with tuition since your education will greatly benefit them as well.

  2. The industry is always evolving. Technology is always advancing, requiring new equipment and best practices; there will always be something new to learn. If you’re easily bored or thrive on learning and adapting, this is great news.

    This also means that you can make yourself more valuable by staying on top of trends and mastering new skills, allowing you to take more control of your career by learning the skills you need to move forward.

  3. The world is becoming more and more reliant on technology. This means job security for those who know how to create new products and programs and can keep them running smoothly.

    Companies of all shapes and sizes need programmers, developers, and IT specialists to keep them operational, and even countries rely on tech professionals to keep them safe and their infrastructure running. This need is only going to grow in the future, which is great news if you’re looking to jump into this field.

  4. Tech jobs typically pay well. While your salary will change based on your employer, location, level of experience, and particular position, the majority of tech professionals earn a comfortable paycheck.

    You can also usually increase your pay by becoming more skilled, so even if you don’t start out earning much, your salary will likely grow quickly as you progress down your career path.

  5. Tech companies typically offer great benefits. In addition to healthcare, gyms, and the occasional office ping pong table, many tech companies provide a host of opportunities for their employees.

    These range from tuition assistance to time off to simply giving you the time, freedom, and tools you need to pursue your innovative ideas.

  6. You can often work remotely. This depends on your particular discipline and position, but often tech jobs are compatible with remote work. Some can do this full-time, while others may alternate working in the office with working remotely.

    This perk means that you have more flexibility, less office drama (in theory), and can show up to work in your sweatpants. Depending on your company’s policy, it could even allow you to travel without taking any time off.

Potential Downsides of a Career in Technology

Every industry comes with its own challenges, and tech is no different. Each person will have their own deal breakers for a job, so it’s important to know the common sticking points that come with each field of expertise.

Here are a few that come with the tech industry for you to think through as you consider your career path:

  1. Tech can be a high-pressure industry. Depending on what your specific occupation is and where you work, a career in tech can come with a lot of stress.

    Racing the clock to meet a deadline, strategically making yourself more attractive for a promotion or prestigious role, or solving complex problems so that a company can get back up and running as quickly as possible are just a few of the challenges that you’ll likely encounter in this field.

    Some people enjoy this pressure more than others do, and some companies tend to create more competitive environments than others do, so pay attention to your personal preferences and company cultures as you go through the job application process.

  2. Your hours may be long and unusual. Whether you have to stay late to complete a project, participate in a meeting with someone on the other side of the world, or work overnight to install an update, many tech professionals have seasons where they don’t work a regular nine-to-five.

    Organizations rely on tech professionals to keep them running smoothly, so generally, when a job has to get done, it absolutely has to get done, no matter how late you need to stay to complete it.

    This level of intensity will vary somewhat depending on your employer’s needs and your particular discipline, but it’s a common challenge to be aware of as you begin to pursue a career in this industry.

  3. You often go unappreciated. Some people thrive when they’re working behind the scenes, but most people like to have their work acknowledged at least every once in a while.

    A career in tech often means that few people will realize everything you do and remember to applaud you for it, but they will complain to you if something goes wrong.

    Much of this is because the general working population has no frame of reference for everything you do in your day-to-day job, so when the things you do go wrong, they’re especially upset.

    Again, this isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker, but it is an aspect of the tech industry that is often frustrating to those who are a part of it.

How to Get a Job in the Technology Industry

Unfortunately, While there isn’t a foolproof way to land a job in any industry, here are a few tips to help you get started on your own job hunt in the world of tech.

  1. Get your industry certifications. You aren’t going to get hired if you lack the required certifications, so do your research on what you’ll need for the type of position you’re interested in.

    Many of these certifications don’t take much time to get, so pack them in before you start applying for jobs so that you can make your resume as well-rounded as possible.

  2. Learn as many skills as you can. Even if you don’t necessarily want a career in coding, learning the basic programming languages will make you a much more valuable employee and will open doors for you that would remain closed without this skillset.

    In addition to this, look for other ways to build your skills, both technical and soft. Volunteer to build a website for a friend, create a program for your mom to help her sort her emails, and take a class on basic cybersecurity principles.

    Not only will these experiences make you a more versatile and thus sought-after employee, but they will also show potential employers that you’re willing to put in the work to continuously learn and grow.

  3. Start applying for jobs earlier than you think you need to. The hiring process often takes a surprisingly long time, so if possible, don’t put yourself in a bind by starting to apply two weeks before you need a paycheck.

    In addition, you’ll need to be patient as you look for jobs you’re interested in, complete the applications, and then do it all over again if you don’t get an offer. It’s uncommon to be hired at the first job you apply for, so don’t be discouraged if you get a rejection letter or just don’t hear back.

    If and when this happens, compare your resume to the job description to look for holes you might have, work to fill them, and then try again for a different job. If you can, consider asking the hiring manager for feedback on what your shortcomings as a candidate were or what the company is looking for in an employee.

  4. Save samples of your work. Whenever possible and if applicable to your field, have samples of your work (websites and programs you’ve developed, for example) on hand to send in with your resume.

    Just make sure you aren’t distributing something that technically belongs to another employer or your school. If in doubt, ask if you can send it out.

Is Technology A Good Career Path FAQ

  1. What is the best IT career path?

    There is no best IT career path. However, based on this list, here are some of the top candidates:

    Data Scientist (highest paying): With an average annual income of $102,000, Data Science is one of the highest paying IT fields. Generally speaking, the job entails gathering, analyzing, and interpreting large sets of company data to create data-driven solutions to business challenges.

    Information Security Analyst (fastest-growing): With job growth of 32%, this job is gaining steam at a rapid rate. That’s even when compared to other IT fields. Information Security Analysts are responsible for creating security systems and keeping important information safe from cyber-attacks.

    Software Developer (most jobs available): With over 295,000 Software Developer jobs currently available in the U.S., it’s one of the easiest IT careers to get into. If it wasn’t obvious, these IT professionals create software, but it’s important that their products meet the needs of their clients.

  2. Which technology will be the best to know for jobs in the future?

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality (AR/VR) will be the best technology to know for future jobs. That’s because the AI and AR/VR industries are growing rapidly. AI has a CAGR of 40.2%, and AR/VR has a massive CAGR of 100%.

    Examples of AR & VR jobs: Software Developer, AR/VR Maintenance and Support, Design/Graphics Engineer, Software Engineer, Product & Project Managers, XR Gameplay & Tools Engineer, and more.

    Examples of AI jobs: Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Data Engineer, Software Engineer, and more.

    Many of these jobs already have high demand and growth rates right now, a trend that’s only expected to continue going forward.

  3. Are IT jobs hard to get?

    No, IT jobs are not hard to get. Though there are hundreds of thousands of job postings for every type of IT job you can think of, some people still have a hard time finding a job.

    Much of this can be attributed to the lack of entry-level positions. Many companies want experienced IT professionals, but it’s impossible to get that experience without training newbies. However, with some IT jobs having nearly 300,000 openings, it’s not impossible to find entry-level work.

    Another factor is education. To become an IT worker, you’ll need at least a Bachelor’s degree. Therefore, if education isn’t your thing, it might be harder to start the process of becoming an IT professional.

  4. Is working in tech hard?

    Yes, working in tech is hard, but it depends on many factors. Part of the reason why Tech is always in such high demand is that many people struggle to learn to code. If coding is a breeze for you, then working in the Tech industry might be too. However, that isn’t the case for most people.

    The Tech industry also requires an adaptable skillset and personality, as new technologies are always emerging. Just when you think you’ve mastered one program, there will likely be a new one you need to learn.

    And finally, despite the high pay, working in the tech industry can be more or less difficult, depending on where you live. After all, tech jobs tend to only be abundant in certain locations.

    Unfortunately, that means that many Tech workers struggle with the cost of living in cities like San Fransico or LA. On the other hand, the cost of living in Huntsville, Alabama, isn’t so bad.

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Abby McCain

Abby is a writer who is passionate about the power of story. Whether it’s communicating complicated topics in a clear way or helping readers connect with another person or place from the comfort of their couch. Abby attended Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she earned a degree in writing with concentrations in journalism and business.

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