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The information and tools to find your next job

We believe that every person should have access to the best information available to evaluate and choose a job. Other sites list jobs, but they don't care how it fits you and your longer term career. Zippia helps you find and pursue the job that's right for your career.

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Get job recommendations based on your background, workplace preferences, and career goals.

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Discover new career options based on your skill set, including salaries, job responsibilities, and more.

Career Paths

Discover new career options based on people with similar skill sets, salaries and job responsibilities.

What people say about Zippia

“The right way to find [a job] is to cull through mountains of job ads... That's what Zippia, a career-resources site, has done.”

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“This was job search nirvana! How had I not heard of Zippia before?”

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“Career site Zippia provided Business Insider with data...”

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“...Career insights website Zippia, crunched data for more than 800 professions...”

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“Career site Zippia used Python language tools to analyze 100,000 résumés...”

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“Job website Zippia shows...”

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“Zippia.com is a tremendously valuable resource for college grads to see what’s out there for them.”

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“That's the word from Zippia, a San Mateo, California-based job search site ... rank the top job markets in the U.S.”

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“Zippia just released a fun new tool that will help you while away the hours in your cubicle.”

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“Well, here's some cool news: A new tool by career website Zippia will let you...”

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“According to career website Zippia.com...”

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“A new report from Zippia, a career information site...”

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“Career website Zippia defines dead-end jobs as professions that offer few or no pay hikes...”

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“Zippia analyzed College Scorecard data on alums' earnings...”

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“Zippia: College majors that rank highest…”

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“...the folks at the job-hunting site Zippia crunched the numbers...”

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